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Køling med varmepumpe

En effektiv og miljøvenlig løsning til afkøling om sommeren

At varmepumper er en effektiv og miljøvenlig alternativ opvarmningsmetode har aldrig været nogen hemmelighed. Men hvad færre ved er, at en varmepumpe kan meget mere end "blot" at levere varme og varmt vand. Selvom det kan lyde som et paradoks, kan en varmepumpe også bruges til køling. Denne nyttige og praktiske egenskab fortjener mere opmærksomhed, og vi har derfor samlet alt, hvad der er værd at vide i den henseende.

Cooling with a heat pump: how it works

The fundamental principle behind using a heat pump for cooling is quickly explained, because all it involves is just reversing its original function. The warm air is first extracted from the interior rooms and then it is discharged into the surrounding environment. There are, however, a few differences in the finer details, depending on whether you are using surface heating (underfloor heating) or a fan coil unit for the cooling.

Important: It is not possible to cool with a heat pump when using conventional radiators!

See for yourself how the heat pump cools with our video on the left side.

Various cooling options

Costs of cooling with a heat pump

Heat pumps have an inherent cooling function, so there is no need to retrofit them. Under certain circumstances, however, you may require additional fan coil units. If you actively cool with your heat pump, you will incur higher energy costs due to the electricity consumption.

Do you like to get more information about the overall costs of a heat pump?

Detailed cost information

Combination with a photovoltaic system

In order to reduce the operating costs that come with active cooling, the combination with a photovoltaic system is a good option. This allows you to generate the environmentally friendly electricity that you need for the cooling function of the heat pump, and you will not have to pay for additional electricity.

More details about our heat pumps

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